An exciting experience awaited by every child with unique needs and unique talents, kindergarden, is the first big step taken by the child into the outside world of formal education.
A child’s greatest power of learning is from the day they are born to 5 years of age. These years are the most formative of a child’s life. We use a unique blend of qualified teachers and support staff to care for and stimulate your child. By the time your child grows to go to Primary school, he/she will have been taught first stage of reading and writing, beginner’s English and Music and Movement. Main areas of learning are mathematical development, communication, language and literacy, knowledge and understanding of the world, creative development, personal and social education and physical development.
Stress is given on communication skills and language development. Children learn to express themselves with confidence, develop self – esteem and a love for learning which provides the foundation for all future learning. A child’s Physical and Mental development is more rapid during the Pre-Primary Schooling days than any other period in life. Keeping this in mind the school has developed a balanced programme and a time – table that gives enough time and opportunity for physical and mental development.
Our emphasis is on encouraging children to realize their inner potential while learning and growing at their own pace. We aim towards giving them a stimulating learning experience which promotes all round development.