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Modifications of school work for students with special educational needs; Modifications (genetics), changes in appearance arising from changes in the environment Posttranslational modifications, changes to proteins arising from protein biosynthesis; Modding, modifying hardware or software . modification definition: Modification is a change that is made, or is the act of changing something. n. 1. They are meant to protect vehicles from head-on collisions with large animals. The car seats must not obstruct the driver's view.The exhaust system, which consists of the exhaust manifold, catalytic converter and muffler, is used as part of a vehicle's exhaust-emission control system to ensure that the exhaust emission meets environmental standards. You need to submit drawings or sketches of the proposed seating arrangements for LTAâs approval.Fog lamps must meet the requirements below, or be covered at all times when the vehicle is used in Singapore.Aftermarket DRL kits may cause unwanted glare and distract other motorists on the roads.The LTAâs guidelines for vehicle modifications ensure that road safety, vehicle exhaust gas and noise emissions standards are not compromised, for the benefit of vehicle owners, road users and our environment.Replacement bulbs for factory fitted HID lamps must also be recommended by the vehicle manufacturer. They cannot be removed.o It should have a voice guidance feature so that the driver interacts with the visual display unit as little as possibleThese requirements must be met when installing sunshades:Any modification to original airbag-equipped steering wheels must be carried out in consultation with the vehicle manufacturer or its agent.Side windows give passengers in the rear compartment a more comfortable ride.
It may also adversely affect the safety and exhaust emissions of the vehicle.o It does not unduly distract the driver or result in potentially dangerous driving. Otherwise, you may be fined up to $2,000 or face up to 6 monthsâ imprisonment.Spot lamps must be covered in Singapore as they cause glare and distract other drivers. Modification definition, an act or instance of modifying. How to use modification in a sentence. You need to submit the following for evaluation: To avoid committing an offence, do not carry out unauthorised modifications to your vehicle. aftermarket springs, shock absorbers, strut bars, anti-roll bars):Car seats, including sport seats and bucket seats, must be properly and safely secured using the original anchorage points of the vehicle.
Text information is sufficiently large, brief and concise so that the driver can read all the information on the screen at a glance while still driving safelyAll modifications must be installed by qualified personnel according to the vehicle and product manufacturerâs recommendations.Any modification to original airbag-equipped car seats must be carried out in consultation with the vehicle manufacturer or its authorised agent.Tow hooks have sharp and hard surfaces that may aggravate injuries in the event of a collision.Owners of light goods vehicles can:Understanding vehicle modificationsThe installation of aftermarket radiators must not affect the structural integrity of the vehicle.You can check with your motor insurer before making any modifications. Define modification. modification synonyms, modification pronunciation, modification translation, English dictionary definition of modification.
Modifications of school work for students with special educational needs; Modifications (genetics), changes in appearance arising from changes in the environment Posttranslational modifications, changes to proteins arising from protein biosynthesis; Modding, modifying hardware or software . modification definition: Modification is a change that is made, or is the act of changing something. n. 1. They are meant to protect vehicles from head-on collisions with large animals. The car seats must not obstruct the driver's view.The exhaust system, which consists of the exhaust manifold, catalytic converter and muffler, is used as part of a vehicle's exhaust-emission control system to ensure that the exhaust emission meets environmental standards. You need to submit drawings or sketches of the proposed seating arrangements for LTAâs approval.Fog lamps must meet the requirements below, or be covered at all times when the vehicle is used in Singapore.Aftermarket DRL kits may cause unwanted glare and distract other motorists on the roads.The LTAâs guidelines for vehicle modifications ensure that road safety, vehicle exhaust gas and noise emissions standards are not compromised, for the benefit of vehicle owners, road users and our environment.Replacement bulbs for factory fitted HID lamps must also be recommended by the vehicle manufacturer. They cannot be removed.o It should have a voice guidance feature so that the driver interacts with the visual display unit as little as possibleThese requirements must be met when installing sunshades:Any modification to original airbag-equipped steering wheels must be carried out in consultation with the vehicle manufacturer or its agent.Side windows give passengers in the rear compartment a more comfortable ride.
It may also adversely affect the safety and exhaust emissions of the vehicle.o It does not unduly distract the driver or result in potentially dangerous driving. Otherwise, you may be fined up to $2,000 or face up to 6 monthsâ imprisonment.Spot lamps must be covered in Singapore as they cause glare and distract other drivers. Modification definition, an act or instance of modifying. How to use modification in a sentence. You need to submit the following for evaluation: To avoid committing an offence, do not carry out unauthorised modifications to your vehicle. aftermarket springs, shock absorbers, strut bars, anti-roll bars):Car seats, including sport seats and bucket seats, must be properly and safely secured using the original anchorage points of the vehicle.
Text information is sufficiently large, brief and concise so that the driver can read all the information on the screen at a glance while still driving safelyAll modifications must be installed by qualified personnel according to the vehicle and product manufacturerâs recommendations.Any modification to original airbag-equipped car seats must be carried out in consultation with the vehicle manufacturer or its authorised agent.Tow hooks have sharp and hard surfaces that may aggravate injuries in the event of a collision.Owners of light goods vehicles can:Understanding vehicle modificationsThe installation of aftermarket radiators must not affect the structural integrity of the vehicle.You can check with your motor insurer before making any modifications. Define modification. modification synonyms, modification pronunciation, modification translation, English dictionary definition of modification.